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About XI Chapter



History of XI Chapter  Chartered December 2, 1932 
The inception of Xi Chapter was the direct result of an enthusiastic explanation of the ambitious objectives of the National Sorority of  Phi Delta Kappa, Inc., by sorors

Helen Hoxter, and Julia Goens of Iota  Chapter, Atlantic City, New Jersey.  They exacted a promise from Rachel  Ray to seek recruits for a Krinon  Club in West Chester, Pennsylvania.  Intrigued by the challenge, Rachel persuaded eleven young teachers from the West Chester-Coatesville area to join her. Rachel Andrews, Betty J. Clayton, Leona G. Davis,  Sue Harmon, Merriam Harris, B.  Doreen Jolly, Edna P. Keith, Henriet ta Maudlin, Paige Murray, and Thel ma Shores complied and Xi  Chapter became the eleventh chapter to join the sororal chain in 1932.  From that moment on, Soror Wynn and her companions embarked upon a mission to devote time, talents, and finances to the sorority’s dream of the pursuit of excellence among the membership and the youth it served. 
Throughout its 90 years of existence, Xi has produced national officers, national scholarship winners, a host of local scholarship recipients, a variety of educational,  culturally oriented public meetings,  youth groups, and many benevolent community projects. 


Rachel D. Andrews
Betty G. Clayton 
Leona Davis
Sue S. Harmon
Merriam B. Harris
B. Doreen Jolly
Edna P. Keith
Henrietta Mauldin
Paige C. Murray
Thelma Shores
Rachel W. Wynn


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